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, Hit : 1292

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In this scenario, the third gunner should aim at the first gunner first.

Since the third gunner has the lowest accuracy rate of hitting the target, it makes sense for them to aim at the gunner with the highest accuracy rate first, in order to reduce the number of successful shots the first gunner can make.

If the third gunner successfully hits the first gunner before the first gunner has a chance to shoot, then the second gunner will be the next highest threat, and the third gunner should aim at them next.

If the third gunner misses their shot at the first gunner, then the first gunner will likely hit their target, and the third gunner should aim at the second gunner next in order to reduce the number of successful shots the second gunner can make.

This strategy maximizes the chances of the third gunner winning the duel by taking out the highest threat first and then targeting the next highest threat.

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