Toshiba Warrenty  

, Hit : 557
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Let me tell you about my experience with Toshiba.  On 29
November 2002 I bought a Toshiba e335.  On 9 January 2003
when I took the 335 out of its case the screen was
broken.  I called Toshiba and talked with a customer
service rep who after taking my name, address, phone
number, model and serial numbers of the 335 and the date I
bought it.  I then explained that the screen was broken
and he told me it would have to be sent in for service.  
He would send me a box via overnight Fedex and they would
fix it and ship it right back.  I asked about time frame
and the customer service rep told me the whole turn around
should take 5 business days.  He did send the box and I
put all the appropriate numbers on the outside and sent it
out that night, 10 January 2003.

A week went by and it still hadn't returned so I called
Toshiba customer service again on 17 January 2003.  After
the usual exchange of information the service rep informed
me the unit was still there and was on hold.  After a few
minuets he told me they were not going to repair it under
the 1-year warranty that came with the unit.  He claimed
because I left the 335 in my car overnight the cold
weather broke the screen.  The warranty says nothing about
temperature and the users manual only states "Do not store
or use your Pocket PC in the Following locations: Those
subject to extremely high or low temperatures".  That
night the temperature was +18F, cold yes, but not extreme
by anyone's standards.  In order to get the 335 repaired I
would have to pay $129.00 to Toshiba.  I had no choice so
I paid for the repair.  When the 335 was returned today 21
January 2003 the temp outside was +6F and I took the
temperature of the unit as soon as Fedex dropped it off.  
The unit was at +10 degrees at that time, guess it should
have been broken but it wasn't.

After they put the new screen in they put my old screen
protector on it, over the dirt, dust fingerprints and all
so it's full of air bubbles that won't come out.  You can
see a picture of it at .  The 335
also has two big scratches on the back now that weren't
there before I sent it in.

The unit does work fine now but the screen should have
been covered under the warranty and their workmanship
leaves a lot to be desired.

If you don't mind not having a warranty it's basically a
really nice unit.  Because of the fact that they don't
honor their warranty and demonstrate sloppy workmanship I
will never buy anything bearing the Toshiba name again.  
Any company is only as good as their word and in this case
their warranty.  My next Toshiba will say DELL or SONY or
COMPACT or anything but Toshiba on it.


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