FroyoStone Sense - V3.1 darkstone  

, Hit : 8421


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HTC Desire Sense build (FroyoSense V3.1) (Based on stock, no modification apart from camera app and superusers app) for HTC HD2 by darkstone:

Everything should be working, should be fast. Very fast.

Changelog for V3:

  Fixes youtube green line/video quality issue

  Ringtones/alarm sounds included by default, no need to download

  Theme removed, using stock rom with no customizations

  GScript removed, no need for it now, no touchscreen freeze

  Switched to EVO kernel tree

  Dropped FroyoStone Clean, there is no need for it anymore. Just use LauncherPro if you want stock-like home screen

  Speed increase

  Removed powersave on screen off feature

  PPP only, no RMNET for data



  I've yet to test bluetooth headset, should be fine. Using BT libs from Ace build.

  Cam is limited to 3mpx, need to speak to AdamG and see how he fixed this when he ported Sense camera to Nexus One. IIRC he modified the HTCCamera.apk file.

  720p video recording does not work, seems like H264 encoding is fudged. H263 seems fine, record fine at 800x480 resolution.

  Wifi hotspot app is working fine

  Make sure to reboot after first boot, apps needing root access won't work. Phone calls will have no audio. Make sure you reboot!



// Creates a 1GB data.img if there is no data.img present. I have included a clean 256MB data.img for a quick first boot. Delete it if you want 1GB data.img

// Don't worry about FB console not showing, that's normal

// Copy the Android and the media folder to the root of your SD card, run CLRCAD.EXE and haret.exe on your HD2

Kernel Tree: (Kernel compiled on 19/09/2010 by darkstone)

Diff patches used in the kernel provided are included in the build, found in the /Android/diff/ folder.

Just want to point out that the HTC Desire is closest in terms of hardware to our HD2, that's why I prefer cooking a Desire build and that's why I will always choose Desire based builds over EVO and Desire HD builds.


Changelog for V2:

- Theme changed, more transparency

- Now creates 1 GB data.img

- PPP is now being used.

- Fixed APN/Sim card changed error.

- Using interactive cpu governor

- Capped CPU scale between 768mhz at the maximum and 245mhz and the minimum by default, use SETCPU to uncap this speed if you wish to benchmark.

- Powersave governor @ 245mhz used by default when screen is turned off.

- Bluetooth Headset now fully supported in calls.

- GPU performance tweaked, games and HTC Sense now run at a higher FPS. Check in NeoCore for difference in FPS between builds.

- Added a Stop G-Sensor and Start G-Sensor to GScriptLite program. Stop G-Sensor to avoid touchscreen freeze when not using the G-Sensor. Start G-Sensor when it is needed.



10-01 02:01
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